Passwordless Authentication for Retail Workers

Simplify Access, Enhance Security, and Improve Customer Experience.

In retail, efficiency is paramount. From sales associates to inventory specialists, frontline workers need quick, seamless access to shared devices and applications. Traditional passwords slow down the pace, introduce security risks, and disrupt customer service.

Re-imagine the  authentication processes for retail employees

Passwordless login and secure access for shared devices

Enhance the security for shared devices at POS, store front or back of the store by enabling passwordless authentication through existing employee ID badges or biometrics, reducing the risks associated with password sharing and unauthorized access.

Eliminate the need to type in username & passwords

Eliminate usability challenges with passwords by allowing users to authenticate with familiar, easy-to-use devices like ID badges and contactless biometrics, eliminating the need to remember or regularly reset passwords. Improve customer service & productivity.

Eliminate the need for phone authenticators & tokens

Remove the need of smartphone authenticators and hardware security keys by enabling password-less authentication & MFA using employee ID badges, proximity cards or facial biometrics, streamline secure access without additional devices.


OLOID’s passwordless platform addresses these retail-specific needs by making access fast, secure, and frictionless. Designed with retail environments in mind, OLOID integrates seamlessly with POS systems, inventory devices, and tablets, enhancing compliance with SOC 2, GDPR, and other security standards.

Faster Access for Improved Service: Sales associates and support staff can access devices instantly, reducing customer wait times and enhancing conversion rates.
Reduced IT Support Needs: Fewer password-related helpdesk requests lower the IT burden, reducing support ticket costs.
Operational Efficiency and Inventory Accuracy: With streamlined access, retail staff are better equipped to manage inventory, positively impacting metrics like stock turnover & shrinkage.

Automated passwordless onboarding with seamless data sync with existing systems of record

Automated passwordless onboarding by integrating with existing HR, SSO, and physical access control systems to synchronize user identities and access permissions, enabling seamless and secure access without the need for passwords. New hires are able to login to their shared devices or workstations as soon as they are added to the HR systems and issued credentials in physical access control systems (PACS).

Automated sync with HRIS, picture based.
Automated sync with SSO, identity & access token based
Automated sync with PACS, badge & access cards based
Zero manual intervention required
Reduced cost & time for user onboarding

Supports a wide range of devices, systems and applications

The OLOID passwordless platform seamlessly works with several devices across multiple platforms and technologies. OLOID is hardware and software agnostic making it one of the most versatile passowrdless solutions for login into:

Applications on all modern browsers: Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox
Windows & Android based IOT devices
Windows PCs and POS devices
IOS, Android phones & Tablets
Zebra devices

Transformative business benefits for the manufacturing industry

OLOID makes passwordless authentication frictionless. It helps reduce access times and facilitates seamless shift changes. Oloid enables traceability of actions to individual users on shared accounts. Reduce downtime and IT support costs associated with password management, while enhancing security and efficiency in accessing shared devices.

Accelerate shift changes
Lowers password reset/IT costs
Enables MFA for everyone
Ensures individual accountability
Improves employee experience
Enhances training & development

Massive savings & productivity gains.

Oloid platform pays for itself in less than 3 years making it one of the fastest return on investment for any cybersecurity solution. Apart from the ROI benefits there are several significant non-quantifiable benefits as well.

Return on investment in less than 3 years
End-user productivity gains
Help desk support savings
Improved ROI on SSO deployments
Compliance with MFA mandates
Reduced security risk from phishing & ATO attacks

Featured Integrations

OLOID platform seamlessly integrates with your existing infrastructure for easy install & ongoing management.

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Making every day in the life of frontline workers frictionless & secure!

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Passwordless for OT systems